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Hi! My name is Ying. I am a YouTuber, a dog lover, and a fan of ancient books, history, and museums. I currently live in the United States. I have studied history in China and Canada before. Thanks to my background in history as a major, I can easily understand ancient Chinese books, and from there, I was able to explore a world of Yin & Yang.
I am fascinated by the flows of Yin & Yang and how Yin and Yang shape human history, the present, and the future. Unlike traditional Yin & Yang readers, I never consider Yin & Yang as metaphysics but rather as science. I have discovered that the creation process mentioned in the "Book of Genesis" and the Chinese concept of the origins of the Five Elements are entirely consistent. I have found connections between the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches and the myths of ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt. I explore the relationship between chronobiology (the study of biological time) and Chinese Bazi (Birth Time Yin Yang System), using NASA's astronomical data to study the universe and explore the concepts of yin and yang. I approach the Bazi and Feng Shui with a scientific attitude, avoiding mystical elements, and never recommending the purchase of items for good luck. I integrate the concepts of yin and yang and the Five Elements with scientific knowledge from physics, astronomy, chemistry, geography, and other scientific fields.
I consider myself to be a Yin & Yang practitioner, a Birth Time Yin Yang Reader, a Fengshui Practitioner, and a lifelong Yi Ching student. I hope to help people better understand themselves and learn how to face the ups and downs of life with equanimity. By improving people's personal Fengshui environments, I hope we can work together to create a better and more harmonious world.
你好!我是Ying。我是一名YouTuber、愛狗人士,熱愛古書、歷史和參觀博物館。我目前居住在美國。我畢業於中國天津的南開大學歷史系,后在加拿大Simon Fraser University繼續攻讀歷史。托我從小熱愛文史的福,我能輕鬆閲讀中國古書(包括漢文典籍和非漢族典籍譯著),從而能夠探索古人的陰陽世界、風水天地。
我深深着迷于研究陰陽節律變化,探求陰陽、風水如何塑造人類歷史、當下以及未來。不同于傳統的風水師,我從不把易學、風水當作玄學,而是把它當作科學。我發現《聖經-創世紀》和中國古人所講的五行創造過程完全一致,我發現了天干地支和古希臘、古羅馬、古埃及神話之間的聯係。我研究生物學分支chronobiology (授時生物學)與陰陽的關係,藉助NASA的天文資料研究宇宙、探索陰陽。我以科學的態度對待風水,從不故弄玄虛,絕不推薦購買開運物品。我將陰陽五行和科學完全聯係起來,藉助物理學、天文學、化學、地理學等科學知識,綜合理解五行、風水。
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Step 3: Consultation via Zoom 視頻咨詢
Bazi, based on a person's birth time, predicts the ups and downs of one's life. It can forecast a person's destiny by creating a model that simulates the changes of the four seasons, observing one's entire life from the perspective of seasonal variations. Assuming that human destiny, like various organisms on Earth, reacts to the changes in seasons (i.e., the transformation of yin and yang), a person's life will undergo fortunes and misfortunes in accordance with the abstract changes of yin and yang. Ancient scholars highly refined the changes in temperature, humidity, and seasonal variations, attributing all changes to the interplay of yin and yang (similar to computer binary code). Using Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches as letters to express the state of yin and yang, they simulated the changes in a person's destiny from birth to death. This is akin to simulating the binary calculations of a person's destiny on a computer, allowing for scientifically reasonable deductions about the past, present, and future.
What's the use of knowing the fluctuations in your destiny?
It's akin to knowing that it will rain tomorrow – at least you've prepared an umbrella.
Knowing that tomorrow's path is muddy – at least you have on slip-resistant shoes.
Understanding whether you are in a low point or a peak in your life, and whether now is the best time to do something or make a decision, can help you navigate good and bad times, make choices wisely, and learn to adapt. Life also has its traffic lights – during the red light periods of low points, learn to be low-key and wait for the right moment. During the green light periods of smooth sailing and good luck, seize the opportunity. Learning to do the right things at the right time can help you avoid many detours in life.
1. 凡立志學習八字命理者,首重人品。需要提供本人八字以供瞭解。我需要瞭解您的性格特質是否適合命理學習,進而因材施教。
2. 人品不端者,不收爲徒。命理研究,首重做人,必尊天道。所作所爲悖逆天道者不收。并非交納學費便可以接納爲學生。是否收徒,要看徒弟的潛質是否適合,以及本人心性是否正直善良。陰陽五行的根本大道為天道,必須對大自然有敬畏心,對宇宙有敬畏心者,方能學習。
3. 八字學習是一個漫長的過程,要求有決心,有毅力。要求學習者有充分業餘時間,并且本人能堅持到底。
4. 八字學習課程有作業,有考試,有嚴格課業要求。每堂課后有作業,需要按時完成作業。學習一段時間後有考試測試,不通過考試,不能進入下一階段學習。
5. 學習内容為客制化,課程内容根據學生的特點會有所調整。課程教材覆蓋中英文,内容有部分為古籍,要求有一定英文基礎,且對繁體字閲讀沒有障礙。此外,要求本人有一定古漢語閱讀能力。
1. 大道至簡。以簡單淺顯的方式呈現深奧難懂的八字古書知識。
2. 不講玄學,講科學。藉助科學的chronobiology、天文學、地理學、化學、數學等認識陰陽五行。
3. 課程内容中西融匯,古今融合。課程教材包括常見的漢文古籍内容,如《子平真詮》、《三命通會》、《淵海子平》,也包括彜族、傣族、維族、藏族等非漢族民族典籍。此外,除中國典籍外,還需要用到古希臘、古羅馬、古埃及神話内容、《聖經》、NASA太空資料等。
4. 每堂課的時長為2小時,即120分鐘。形式為Zoom授課。不同於市面上絕大多數命理老師采取販賣錄像的形式,我堅持采用Zoom實時真人授課的形式,每堂課都不一樣,每堂課的内容都會根據學生的特點有調整。你不會聽到一模一樣的課程。每一堂課都是客制化體驗,每一堂課都是獨一無二,不會再重複。
5.課程有嚴格要求:1. 每堂課課後有作業。下一堂課上課前必須交作業。2. 一段時間學習後有小測驗,課程結束後有大考。
《葬經》中說:【氣乘風則散,界水則止。】氣是何物呢?正宗的寫法,應該寫作【炁】,古楚國則寫作【𣱛】,可見都與火有關。所謂的【氣】,其實就是thermal energy。在太陽系,就是太陽熱能。地球各個地區受熱不均,導致不同地區的空氣有寒有暖,暖的地方空氣上升,寒的地方空氣下降 (即熱脹冷縮),這造成了空氣的流動,產生了風。爲什麽【氣】界水則止呢?這是因爲,水分子從液態到氣態的蒸發過程中,會吸收大量的太陽和地面輻射的熱量。 Water is able to absorb thermal energy without showing relatively large changes in temperature. 太陽熱能遇到水體則被吸收,仿佛太陽熱能遇到水就止住了脚步,這不就是【界水則止】嗎?
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